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What is a Postpartum Doula: Feature

What is a Pediatric Sleep Consultant?

A Pediatric Sleep Consultant is a non-medical professional who is knowledgeable in the science and education of pediatric sleep. 

A Sleep Consultant is there to educate and encourage.

A pediatric sleep consultant helps with:

  • Newborn sleep shaping (this is different than sleep training)

  • Establishing solid bedtime routines for infants and toddlers

  • Outlining personalized sleep plans for infants 4+months of age to toddlers 3 years of age to facilitate independent sleep skills

  • Educating parents about infant and toddler sleep requirements

  • Educating parents about safe sleep practices

  • Knowing local and online referral sources for various professions related to parenting

A pediatric sleep consultant does not:

  • Sleep train infants younger than 16 weeks old, but they CAN help with sleep shaping from birth!

  • Recommend any medical procedures, make any medicinal recommendations, any medical diagnoses, or any medical advice in general

  • Night wean your child

  • Leave your child to cry without first addressing his needs such as feeding him or changing his diaper

So Why Hire a Sleep Consultant?

Sleep is a valuable resource that often becomes one of the first casualties of parenting. This is seen as normal, but it doesn't have to be. As with all of the other skills parents are responsible for teaching their children (e.g. crawling, walking, eating, talking, etc.), babies also need to be taught when and how to sleep. A sleep consultant listens to parents about their sleep problems their child is having, and supports them through teaching their child how to sleep independently so that the entire family can begin to thrive, instead of living in a perpetual state of exhaustion. Sleep is not only important for physical growth, but especially for cognitive development. 

Schedule your FREE Discovery Call today!

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