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What is a Postpartum Doula: Feature

What is a postpartum doula?

A postpartum doula is a non-judgmental, third party observer and helper there to support you and your family during the postpartum period. She can come to the hospital, and/or to your home to provide emotional and physical support immediately after birth. Her job is not to come in and just love on baby, but to provide support to all the members in the household, especially the mother, and to help smooth the transition of having a new baby in the home. She can observe and recognize signs of perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (such as postpartum depression) and administer a self-test for a client to take to their personal physician or midwife. 

A postpartum doula can also provide referrals to outside resources for you and your family for any issues that are not in her scope of duties such as pediatrician referral, lactation consultant referral, peer reviewed websites, books, etc.

A Postpartum Doula is there to nurture, educate, and assist.

A postpartum doula performs or knows:

  • Basic baby care - diapering, bathing, nail clipping etc.

  • Breast/bottle feeding support

  • Baby soothing techniques

  • Babywearing techniques

  • Light housework - sweeping, vacuuming, dishes, laundry etc.

  • Snack/meal prep

  • Run errands and attend appointments with mother (pediatrician or OB/GYN, midwife etc.)

  • Family support

  • Provide the mother personal time for health and wellness - shower, a nap, a walk etc.

  • Know local and online resources/referrals

A postpartum doula is NOT a:

  • Nanny

  • Maid

  • Housekeeper

  • Medical nurse

  • Lactation consultant

  • Babysitter

A postpartum doula will NEVER:

  • Administer medication to mother or baby

  • Diagnose any illness or external complication, such as a rash

  • Be alone at home with baby

  • Take over full care of baby

  • Drive any member of the family anywhere

So Why Hire a Postpartum Doula?

Simply put, it takes a village, and it is not often that there is a village handy to help. Every new momma also deserves to be cared for and shown how to navigate the tough waters of motherhood. Having a postpartum doula may ease family tension and improve the health and wellness of the momma so that she can better care for, and connect to, her baby. Let me be your village.

Schedule your FREE consult to see if I am the right doula for you

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